Returning to the Post

Hello everyone! I’ve had the opportunity to share my blog with a few new friends recently, and decided to come back and write once in a while. It’s hard to believe it’s been four years since I’ve written. Wow, there is a lot that has happened in those four years!

About eight years ago, I did a Bible Study with a group of ladies from my church. I learned so much about breaking free of perfectionism, pretending, prideful motives, false thinking patterns, dredging the past, etc. I wanted so many others to have this same freedom, but I knew that many of my acquaintances probably wouldn’t do this sort of Bible Study. I was reminded of the many Bible studies that have been adapted for our church, so I approached the publisher to see if we could do that with this. It was a no go.

Later, one Sunday in church, we had a service with one reading about a King in the Old Testament who began to reign at 8 years old while the priest at that time was 130. The New Testament reading included the account of Zacchaeus. I distinctly remember the minister saying, “God can use anyone. We would never have an 8-year-old president, and we would never stand for a 130-year-old elder. Whether we’re young or old or short like Zacchaeus, God can use us.” I felt that God was wanting me to adapt this Bible study so others could use it. We sang Trust and Obey at the end of the service.

The next morning, I was sitting at the mechanics waiting to get the tires rotated and working on the next lesson in this Bible study. I turned the page, and at the top, the author quoted Trust and Obey. Once we were finished going through it, I started working on adapting it, and when it was about 80% done, I ended up setting it aside as some things came up in life. It still sits in my computer 80% done, over eight years later. Just this past weekend, we sang Trust and Obey, and I thought of that unfinished Bible study.

Do you have things that you’ve started and set aside? Is it time to get them back out again? I truly hope and pray that at some point I finish that Bible study. First, I need to get past the spring cleaning, the graduation party, summer vacation, kids moving out to college. Maybe when the snow flies again, I’ll get it out. You see, there’s never a shortage of things to do, and yet, I feel the Spirit gently pulling me toward it. One of these days…

I don’t know how often I’ll post here, but I hope to reconnect with many of you. I’d love to hear your comments. What are you interested in reading? Devotionals? Mental health? Relationships? Bible study?

I’ll leave you with this – something that came to mind as I wrapped up an email I was writing a while back…

May your minds be free of worry
And your tongues singing praise
Your feet not set to hurry
And your life be full of grace
May your hearts be filled with joy
And your eyes be lifted up
With hands that work in his employ
Your souls basking in his love

2 Replies to “Returning to the Post”

  1. Sharla Wiegand

    Thank you for posting on your blog again! I enjoy your writing. Mental health is an important topic to me.

  2. Karen

    Thank you for sharing. I miss you. I am interested in you and your sharing❤️❤️. God be with and bless you. You have a growing family also and life seems to stay very busy in different ways.
    Love and prayer,