Good Won’t Get You There

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Good won’t get you there; neither will nice
The only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ

Morality won’t cut it; good deeds won’t get you in
The only ones in heaven are those forgiven of sin
Without a brokenness before the Holy God above
Your sin can’t be forgiven and you can’t accept His love

Reading your Bible; attending church each week
Without Christ as your Lord won’t earn a place at His feet
Keeping your life busy or giving to the poor
But refusing Jesus love will keep you from heaven’s door

Good won’t get you there; neither will nice
The only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ

The faith of your family or your nationality
Doesn’t guarantee a place in heaven for eternity
You will not go to heaven because someone else does worse
Even if you’re perfect you can’t escape Adam’s curse
The only way to heaven is because of Jesus’ sacrifice
Believing in His shed blood and giving Him your life

Good won’t get you there; neither will nice
The only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ

To have a home in heaven a decision must be made
For if you wait or do nothing you choose the other place

Good won’t get you there; neither will nice
The only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ