Another New Year

Wow, it’s been a while since I wrote! I’ve really been slacking…actually I’ve been hanging out on the couch most of the last month as I deal with medication side effects. I’m hoping for a call from my doctor tomorrow to see if I can switch off this third med, maybe even go back to the original one.

I recognize that as the topics I’ve been writing about get more and more into interaction, it’s harder for me to write. I spend a lot of time on research, writing, rewriting, etc. They’re also big topics instead of an acronym to outline. As soon as I can get this medication dealt with I’m hoping to get back to more regular writing.

Of course, with it being New Year’s, it’s a good time to take stock of a lot of things. I hope to get into a better morning routine, which in turn helps the whole day, the whole week, and so on. I want to get back to the after school routine that seemed to work well for the kids. Now is a good time to revamp my devotions. Re-evaluate what needs to be done around the house. Consider what activities to drop, keep, and add.

Yesterday I went back and read what I wrote last New Year’s, and it still applies – have a plan, have a plan of how to cope when the plan you want to do has hiccups, and spread a lot of grace around in the plan. Very little actually goes as planned, so the advice of therapists everywhere to have a fallback is good advice.

One of the main changes I want to make is to put prayer first rather than as a last resort. I’m pretty sure that no matter what plan I make, if I put prayer first, I’ll have better odds of sticking to it!

Happy New Year to each of you!

3 Replies to “Another New Year”

  1. Lollie

    I like this new post! One of the things I’d like to do this year is pray a lot more that I can have a closer walk with our savior. Sometimes I find myself far away from him and other times get closer. I need to read more and I appreciate the word more. Maybe you can keep me accountable.