Important, Urgent, or Not?

I’ve been writing about a balanced meaningful life – one where we do the things that need to be done and the things we’d like to do. But how to fit it all in?  I know for me, when I’m discouraged or depressed, it’s so easy for me to forget about the important things and spend time on things that don’t matter.  When life feels disappointing or even pointless, it’s easy to just wait for time to pass.  How about for you?

My therapist at ACCFS showed me a video about doing the important things in life first.  Here is a link to a similar video. (Feel free to watch on mute if you aren’t fond of the annoying music!)


This visual shows one way
to divide up tasks to figure
out where to spend our time.
It’s easy to read, it’s pretty,
AND it’s so difficult to do!



I’m not planning to write much else here, but I found a lot of quotes about being busy, focusing on what’s important, and stress.  Feel free to let me know if any of these strike close to home for you!