Patience (Morning Reading)

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.
~Lida Clarkson

We all want life to unfold according to our plan. After all, we are certain we know
what’s best for us. But hindsight quickly reminds us that few, if any, of us had included
recovery in a Twelve Step program as part of our life’s plan. Yet here we are, and we
are now more content than we’ve ever been in our lives. How did this happen?

We have come to accept that God has worked in our lives in spite of ourselves. We
have been protected and guided all along the way, even though on occasion we stubbornly
attempted to force open doors that were not beneficial to our growth. Fortunately, God never
gave up on us. We will fulfill our purpose with all the help we need when the time is right.

Remembering that opportunities come to us
when their time is right allows us to wait and trust.

My patience will pay off today. I can be certain
that what comes to me today is on time.
~From A Woman’s Spirit






Check out my new list –
Why I Dislike Summer!
I need a lot of patience right now!!