Acceptance Instead of Judgment

As I started to write this morning, I felt this strong nudge to share another song.  As I looked through the folder of options, I came across one I hadn’t finished and had completely forgotten I’d written it.  With the help of the Spirit I was able to add more to it; I don’t know if it’s finished yet or not, but it’s more complete. Check it out under Songs.

Here are two more items I thought were interesting…

I really like this because we (me included!) are so quick to look at another and think they should be doing something different, wonder how they ended up as they did, or look down on where they are in their journey.  We usually have little idea where they’ve been and what they’ve gone through back there.  We also don’t know how God plans to use them in the future.  If all of time was written on a tape measure, we’d only see one hash mark; we could be more encouraging to others by understanding their lives rather than judging them.

One Reply to “Acceptance Instead of Judgment”

  1. Sandy

    This is so true and well said! I need to be reminded of this, too. Stop judging and start loving no matter what.