Art Therapy, Part 3

This third art project wasn’t part of the art class itself.  We were asked to consider two quotes and draw how one of them resonated with us.

“Sometime in your life you will go on a journey.
It will be the longest journey you have ever taken.
It is the journey to find yourself.”
~Katherine Sharp

“One does not discover new lands without consenting
to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.
Set the sails. Pull anchor. Cast away. Feel the wind at your back.
Keep your eyes on the horizon.
Or stay on shore.
But choose.”
~Andre Gide, French writer

I chose the second one.


One the left side is a dark
land fraught with peril.  It’s
dark trials. It’s self-absorption.
It’s works instead of grace.
On the right side is a brighter
place filled with grace, peace,
and love. It’s peace in the circumstances. It’s reaching
out to others. It’s relying on
God and believing his truth.


In the middle is the vast sea with many waves and just a little vessel. Because of the vastness, the little vessel has to let go the shore before it has any hope of seeing the other side.  There’s two consolations to the small person in this vastness.  The land to come holds promise the previous one didn’t, and the mast is a cross as a reminder that Jesus went before, endured all things, and intercedes for all.

Ultimately, it’s still a choice to pull anchor and leave the shore.

I’m still in the vastness, and I know I’m closer
to the second shore than ever before.
What would you choose?  What have you chosen?

One Reply to “Art Therapy, Part 3”

  1. Lollie

    I love the idea that you have to let go of the one shore To get to the next. We are all on our way! And how we look forward to the next shore!!! Keep on blogging I love it. I also love your Poems. They inspire me!