Feedback Wanted

So, it’s been a couple weeks since I started this blog, and I appreciate everyone checking in to read it. I’m looking for feedback…

  • Is it interesting?
  • it what you were expecting?
  • Is it easy to understand?
  • Are the posts too long or too short?

I’d love to hear from you! Feel free to email me directly if you don’t want to leave public comments.

2 Replies to “Feedback Wanted”

  1. Karen wettstein

    I’m really enjoying you sharing. it is simple enough for my mind to comprehend and the perfect length for me not to get overwhelmed with this fabulous information. It is helpful for me to understand others plus the benefit of identifying my own mind.
    Thank you for being a blessing to all of us. May God grant you an abundance of Mercy, Grace, Love, Courage and Peace as you share and change.
    Love you much
    Sister Karen

  2. Sandy

    I love reading your posts. I am learning a lot about relationships. You are a good writer. I work with school kids and it helps me think of all their relationships and how it affects their behaviors, learning styles, etc…..