12 “Christian” Beliefs That Can Drive You Crazy

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From the book with this title by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend

  1. It’s selfish to have my needs met
  2. Guilt and shame are good for me
  3. “Shoulds” are good
  4. I just need to give it to the Lord
  5. If I’m spiritual enough, I will have no pain or sinfulness
  6. If I know the truth, I will grow spiritually
  7. If I change my behavior, I will grow spiritually and emotionally
  8. If I make right choices, I will grow spiritually
  9. Just doing the right thing is more important that why I do it
  10. If I have God, I don’t need people
  11. I should leave the past behind
  12. One day, I’ll be finished with recovery